SoCom Consulting has worked with its partner, KLR Communications, to assist an Aged Care and Nursing provider in Victoria on its successful appointment to deliver vital Community Nursing Services to those receiving funding under Department fo Veterans Affairs (DVA).
About the program
To receive community nursing services for an assessed clinical need, a client must hold either a Veteran Gold Card or Veteran White Card.
Community nursing services meet the clinical needs of both Veterans and war widowed partners, with a view to enhancing independence and the ability for individuals to remain living in their own home for longer.
Community Nursing Providers must meet the requirements set out in the Notes for Community Nursing Providers and have written clinical and administrative policies in place which adhere to the provisions contained in the relevant State or Territory legislation and which are appropriate for a community nursing / aged care setting.
KLR Communications provided support on the application process, utilising the policies of procedures of SoCom Consulting, further demonstrating the value of our partnership to both the Aged Care and NDIS sectors.
SoCom Consulting advises on NDIS and Aged Care Provider applications, policies and procedures, compliance and strategic business development. To discuss how we can assist you, Contact Us.