SoCom Consulting, with our partner KLR Communications, are delighted to have assisted our clients to secure almost $1.1 million in funding to deliver CHSP services from 1 November 2024 to 30 June 2025. With the expected option to extend to 30 June 2027, the value of these contracts totals more than $4.4 million.

In what was the most competitive CHSP grant round to date, funding applications exceeded the available budget by more than 20 times. 1201 applications were submitted, totalling more than $2 billion, while only $100 million was available.

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme assists senior Australians to access entry-level support services which enable them to live independently and safely in their own home for as long as possible.

SoCom Consulting and KLR Communications worked together to secure funding for clients across Aged Care Planning Regions (ACPRs) in New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, for the delivery of services including:

  • Domestic Assistance
  • Home Maintenance
  • Allied Health and Therapy
  • Transport services

SoCom Consulting has developed a suite of documents to assist successful applicants in the provision of CHSP services, including:

Our consultants are experienced advising on aged care and NDIS provider and grant applications, and in the development of relevant policies and procedures. To discuss your needs and get an obligation free quote on services and documents that suit your needs, Contact Us.
